Story story … Once upon a time my ears heard a woman talk to her child

You can’t control what life has put in place just because the wine is sweet doesn’t mean wine doesn’t get sour, when trouble sleeps don’t cloud your judgement by how it lays just walk pass it, always be grateful for the fruit your plant yield because in an alphabetical order you can’t skip the letters, numerically don’t mix the numbers with the roman figures and lastly your kneels are the only weapon your have to stand against this war. A man whose first thoughts are bestial indulgence could not think clearly nor plan methodically and he could not control his latent resources.

It came to my notice that the child was only 8 years old, got me wondering how will an 8year old child heed to such heavy but simple selected words of truth. Gazing at the wall in front of me, trapped in my own mirror world, pondering on these words i heard for free only to discover that to escape this prison (my mirrored world) was by driving to my reflection just like socerery and then I heard these strange words from the child

Child : Mom why are you telling me theses, don’t you think I’m too young to bear these words at heart ?

And she smiled at him and continued ….

I may be your mother by birth but not giving birth to a child doesn’t necessarily mean i should not be a mother to another for no body is ever young or old in the battle field, sprayed bullets don’t choose it’s victim except the one which is targeted to a particular soldier thereby making the kill look perfect. Love your neighbors like your self, an eye for an eye makes the neighborhood go blind, there will be no progress, no achievement without sacrifies and a mans worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices his confused animal thoughts.

I took the message home with peace in my heart ❤.